The rampart-server HTTP module



The rampart-server module uses the libevhtp_ws library, a fast, embedded, event driven http/https server which itself uses the libevent2 library.

The developers of Rampart are extremely grateful for the excellent APIs and ease of use of these libraries.


The rampart-server module is released under the MIT license. The libevhtp_ws library and the libevent2 library are both provided under a BSD-3-Clause License.

What does it do?

The rampart-server module provides a multithreaded and flexible http/https webserver which is started from, configured in and maps urls to Rampart JavaScript functions. It also can be configured to serve files from the filesystem.

How does it work?

Once the module is loaded and configuration parameters are passed to the start() function, the server maps paths to the filesystem, JavaScript functions, JavaScript Modules and/or directories containing JavaScript Modules. Modules allow scripts and functions to reside in separate files. If changes are made to a module, the server does not need to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

The server can operate from a pool of threads, taking advantage of systems with multiple CPUs. As JavaScript is inherently single-threaded, when the server is started in multi-threaded mode, a new JavaScript stack, heap and context is created for each thread. Global variables, global functions and mapped functions passed to start() are automatically copied to each context and each runs independently. Modules are likewise loaded from within each thread and checked for changes upon each request.

It is worth noting that not all rampart-sql functions are thread safe. When SQL functions are executed from within a function or module, rampart may create a fork, one per thread, in order to handle such functions.

A timeout for script execution may also be set. Should the script timeout, the serving thread will cancel the request and re-initialize the JavaScript context in order to serve new requests.

Loading and Using the Module


Loading the server modules is a simple matter of using the require statement:

var server = require("rampart-server");

It returns an Object with a single function:

   start:    {_func:true}

Configuring and Starting the Server


The server is configured and started using the start() function. Options are passed to the function in a single Object.


var server = require("rampart-server");


Options is an Object with the following properties:

  • bind - An Array of Strings, with each String representing an ip address and port. If not specified, the server will bind to port 8088 on the loopback device (i.e., which is only accessible from the same machine), using the following default value:

    [ "[::1]:8088", "" ].

    When specifying an Ipv6 address, bracket notation is required (e.g. [2001:db8::1111:2222]:80) while a dot-decimal notation is used for ipv4 (e.g. To bind to all ip addresses using port 80, the following may be used:

    [ "[::]:80", "" ].

  • scriptTimeout: A Number, amount of time in seconds (or fraction thereof) to wait for a script to run before canceling the request and returning a 500 Internal Server Error timeout message to the connecting client. Default is no timeout/unlimited.

  • connectTimeout: A Number, amount of time in seconds (or fraction thereof) to wait for a connected client to send a request. Default is no timeout/unlimited.

  • log: A Boolean, whether to log each request. Access requests are logged to stdout and errors are logged to stderr unless accessLog and/or errorLog below are set.

  • accessLog: A String, the location of the access log. The default, if not specified is to log to stdout. If given, the log file will be closed and re-opened upon sending the rampart executable a USR1 signal, which allows log rotation.

  • errorLog: A String, the location of the error log. The default, if not specified is to log to stderr. If given, the log file will be closed and re-opened upon sending the rampart executable a USR1 signal, which allows log rotation.

  • daemon: A Boolean, whether to fork and detach from the controlling terminal. If true, the start() function will return the pid of the server. Otherwise the pid of the current process is returned. The default is false.

  • useThreads: A Boolean, whether the server is multi-threaded. If true and threads below is not set, the server will create a threadpool consisting of one thread per cpu core. If set false, it is equivalent to setting useThreads to true and threads to 1. The default is true.

  • threads: A Number, the number of threads to create for the server thread pool. The default, if useThreads is true or is unset, is the number of cpu cores on the current system.

  • maxRead: A Number, the largest single read from a client allowed in the event loop. If reading data larger than this, it will be done in multiple cycles of the event loop in order to allow the servicing of other requests. A high number can make receiving large requests unfairly slow down other clients, especially if the server is not using multiple threads. A low number will slow down the reading of data over the specified size. Default is 65536.

  • maxWrite: A Number, the largest single write to a client allowed in the event loop. If writing data larger than this, it will be done in multiple cycles of the event loop in order to allow the servicing of other requests. A high number can make sending large replies unfairly slow down other clients, especially if the server is not using multiple threads. A low number will slow down the writing of data over the specified size. Default is 65536.

  • secure: A Boolean, whether to use SSL/TLS layer for serving via the https protocol. Default is false. If true, the sslKeyFile and sslCertFile parameters must also be set.

  • sslKeyFile: A String, the location of the ssl key file for serving via the https protocol. An example, if using letsencrypt for “” might be "/etc/letsencrypt/live/". This setting has no effect unless secure is true.

  • sslCertFile: A String, the location of the ssl cert file for serving via the https protocol. An example, if using letsencrypt for “” might be "/etc/letsencrypt/live/". This setting has no effect unless secure is true.

  • sslMinVersion: A String, the minimum SSL/TLS version to use. Possible values are ssl3, tls1, tls1.1 or tls1.2. The default is tls1.2. This setting has no effect unless secure is true.

  • notFoundFunc: A Function to handle 404 Not Found responses. See Mapped Functions below.

  • developerMode: A Boolean, whether to run the server in a developer mode. If true, JavaScript and other errors will cause the server to return a 500 Internal Error message, with the error and error line numbers printed. If false, JavaScript errors will result in the generic 404 Not Found Page or alternatively, if set notFoundFunc will be called and the request object (req) will contain the key errMsg (req.errMsg), with the error message.

  • directoryFunc: A Function to handle directory listings from the filesystem, if no index.html file exists in the requested directory. May also be set to true to use the built-in function. If set false (the default), a “404 Forbidden” response is sent where a directory listing is requested and no index.html file exists. See Built-in Directory Function below for more information.

  • user: A String, the user account which the server will switch to after binding to the specified ip address and port. Only valid if server is started as root. This setting is used for binding to privileged ports as root and then dropping privileges. If the server is started as root, user must be set.

  • cacheControl: A String or a Boolean. If a String - the text to set the “Cache-Control” header when serving files off of the filesystem. The default is “max-age=84600, public”, if not set or set true. If set false, no header is sent.

  • compressFiles: A Boolean or Array. Whether to use gzip compression for files served from the filesystem. Default is false. If an Array. is given, it is a list of file extension which will be compressed. If true - the following default Array of extensions will be used: ["html", "css", "js", "json, "xml", "txt", "text", "htm"].

    Note that compressed files will be cached in a directory named “.gzipcache/” in the directory in which the files are located. Compressed cached files are updated based on the date of the original. The webserver’s user must have write permissions in the directory in which the files are located in order for compressed files to be cached.

  • compressScripts: A Boolean. Whether to compress the output from scripts by default. If not set, the default is false. This can be overridden in the return value from a script using the key compress set to a Boolean or a compression level (1-10). See the last example in The Return Object below.

  • compressLevel: A Number. The default level of compression used for files and scripts. Must be an integer between 1 and 10. The default, if not specified, is 1.

  • compressMinSize: A Number. The minimum size in bytes any file or script output must be in order for the content to be compressed. The default, if not specified, is 1000.

  • mimeMap: An Object, additions or changes to the standard extension to mime mappings. Normally, if, e.g., return { "m4v": mymovie }; is set as The Return Object to a mapped function, the header content-type: video/x-m4v is sent. Though the content-type header can be changed using the headers object in The Return Object, it does not affect files served from the filesystem. If it is necessary to change the default “content-type” for both Mapped Functions and files served from Mapped Directories, extension:mime-types mappings may be set or changed as follows:

        mimeMap: {
            /* make these movies play as mp4s */
            "m4v": "video/mp4",
            "mov": "video/mp4"
        map: {
            "/": "/var/www/html",

    For a complete list of defaults, see Key to Mime Mappings below.

  • map: An Object of url to function or filesystem mapping. The keys of the object are exact paths, regular expressions, partial paths or globbed paths to be matched against incoming requests. For example, a key /myscript.html would match an incoming request for The value to which the key is set controls which function, module or filesystem path will be used.

    If the value is a Function, that function is used as the callback function. If the value is an Object with module or modulePath key set, it is assumed to be a script name (the same as is used for require()) or a path with scripts.

    If the value is a String, or it is an Object with path set, it is assumed to be a mapping to the filesystem. A mapping to a filesystem path may also include headers.


    var server = require("rampart-server");
    var pid = server.start({
        bind: [ "[::]:8088", "" ], /* bind to all */
        map :
            "/":            "/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs"  /* map all file requests */
            "/search.html": function (req) { ... },         /* search function */
            "/images/":     {
                                path: "/path/to/my/jpgs/",
                                headers: {
                                    "Content-Control": "max-age=31556952, public",
                                    "X-Custom-Header": 1

    In the above example, as the longer path, the "/search.html" key will have priority over "/" key, so that a request http://localhost:8088/search.html will cause the function to be executed while anything else will match "/" (assuming mapSort is not set to false).

    Keys/paths used for mapping a Function may be given in one of three different formats, which are tested for a match in the following order:

    • Exact Paths - Paths starting with a “/” and having no unescaped * characters will be matched exactly with the incoming request.
    • Regular Expression paths - A path/key that starts with ~ will match the Perl Regular Expression following the ~. Example: map: {"~/.*/myfile.html": myfunction } will match any path ending in myfile.html and run the named function myfunction.
    • Glob Paths - A glob path will have the last priority for matching the requested url. Example: map: {"/*/myfile.html": myfunction2 } will match the same as the example above, but would have lower priority. If both these examples were present, myfunction2 would never match.

    Keys/paths used for mapping to the filesystem are always taken as an Exact path. Regular expressions and globs are not allowed.

  • mapSort: A Boolean, whether to automatically sort the mapped paths given as keys to the Object passed to map below. Default is true. If false, paths from the map Object will be matched in the order they are given.

    Note that regardless of this setting, paths are match by type of path (see below) with Exact paths tested first, then regular expression paths and lastly glob paths. However, it is usually desirable for longer paths to have priority over shorter ones. For example, if / and /search.html are both specified (both are “Exact” paths), /search.html should be checked first, otherwise / will match and /search.html will never match. When mapSort is true, key/paths are automatically sorted by length.

Return Value
A Number, the pid of the current process, or if daemon is set to true, the pid of the forked server.

Server Usage Details

Path Mapping

Path mapping using the map property in start() above may be used to map URL paths to both Functions and to a directories on the local filesystem.

Mapped Functions

A mapped function may be expressed in one of several ways.

  • Inline function: map: {"/search.html": function(res) { ... } }.
  • A Global function: map: {"/search.html": myfunc } where myfunc is a function declared globally in the current script.
  • A module with module.exports set to the desired function. Example: map: {"/search.html" : {module:"mysearchmod"} } where mysearchmod.js is in a standard module search path.
  • A directory of modules where the directory contains one or more modules with module.exports set to Functions or an Object containing Functions. Example: map: {"/scripts/": {modulePath: "/path/to/myscriptsdir/"} }. In this case, if /path/to/myscriptsdir/mymod.js script exists, it might be available from the URL http://localhost:8088/scripts/mymod.ext where .ext can be .html, .txt or any other extension desired. Note that regardless of the extension used, the mime-type is set in The Return Object.
  • A mapped function path/key must start with ws: for websocket connections. See Websockets below.

A module may also return its own mapped functions. The url will be a concatenation of the map object key and the return object keys.


var server = require("rampart-server");

  /* requests to http://localhost:8088/multi/ will be handled by *
   * modules/multi_function.js                                   */
  map: {
     "/multi/":            {module: "modules/multi_function.js" }

/* Here modules/multi_function.js is a module which sets exports *
 * to an Object with keys as paths set to functions. Example:    */

        /* functions indexpage, firstpage, etc not shown */
            "/"                  : indexpage,   // the indexpage function
            "/index.html"        : indexpage,   // same
            "/page1.html"        : firstpage,   // function handles page 1
            "/page2.html"        : secondpage,  // function handles page 2
            "/virtdir/page3.html": thirdpage    // function handles page 3
        These would then map to:

For normal use, it is always preferable to use modules. The advantage of using modules is that they can be changed at any time without having to restart the server and that variables declared in the module have their scopes appropriately set.

See Using the require Function to Import Modules for details on writing and using modules.

It is also important to note that only global variables and functions from the main script, along with inline functions are copied to each JavaScript context for each server thread. Any other variable or function that might otherwise appear to be in scope when server.start() is executed will not be available from within each server thread. This is true regardless of the state of useThreads setting above. Any semantic confusion that might be caused by this limitation can be mostly avoided by placing functions in separate scripts as modules, since variables declared in the module will be available and properly scoped (though separately and distinctly; variables are never shared between threads – though note that when using rampart.event, the triggering of events and the callbackTriggerVar do cross threads).

Example of a scoped variable that would not be available:

var server = require("rampart-server");

function startserver() {
   var html = "<pre>HELLO WORLD!</pre>";

   return server.start({
       map: {
           "/myfunc.html": function(){ return {html:html}; }

var pid=startserver();

/* result from http://localhost:8088/myfunc.html:
      Internal Server Error
      ReferenceError: identifier 'html' undefined
        at [anon] (duk_js_var.c:1236) internal
        at [anon] (test-server.js:8) preventsyield

Note that if var html was declared globally (e.g. directly after var server line), the function would not throw an error.

Example of local variables that are available in a module:

/* mymod.js */

var html = "<pre>HELLO WORLD!</pre>";

module.exports = function(){ return {html:html}; }

With the main script containing:

/* test-server.js */

var server=require("rampart-server");

var pid = server.start({
  map: {
    "/myfunc.html": {module:'mymod'}


In the above example, var html would be set once when the module is loaded. It is then accessible from the exported function and its scope is limited to the mymod.js file.

Mapped Directories

Mapped Directories are specified by setting the value of a path key to a String, where the String is the name of the directory on the current filesystem to use:

var server = require("rampart-server");

var pid = server.start({
    map: {
      "/"   : "/var/www/html",
      /* trailing '/' in '/css' is implied */
      "/css": "/usr/local/etc/httpd/css"

Mapped directories may also be mapped using the following syntax, which allows for custom headers to be sent with each file served:

var server = require("rampart-server");

var pid = server.start({
    map: {
      "/"   : {
          path: "/var/www/html",
          headers: {
              "X-Custom-Header-1": "myval1",
              "X-Custom-Header-2": "myval2"
      "/css/": "/usr/local/etc/httpd/css"

In the above example, all the files in /var/www/html/* would be mapped to http://localhost:8088/* including any subdirectories. However, http://localhost:8088/css/* is mapped from /usr/local/etc/httpd/css/* even if a /var/www/html/css/ directory exists.

Note that globs and regular expressions are not allowed for mapped directories. Note also that keys for mapped directories are always treated as directories and have a trailing / added if not present. If, e.g., map:{"/file.html":"/my/dir"} was specified, http://localhost:8088/file.html would return “NOT FOUND” but URLs beginning with http://localhost:8088/file.html/ would return files from /my/dir/.

The Request Object

Mapped Functions are passed a single Object which contains the details of the request. For example, if the url http://localhost:8088/showreq.html?q=search+terms is requested (with a cookie set), the Object passed to the function might look something like this:

   "ip": "::1",
   "port": 33948,
   "method": "GET",
   "path": {
      "file": "showreq.html",
      "path": "/showreq.html",
      "base": "/",
      "scheme": "http://",
      "host": "localhost:8088",
      "url": "http://localhost:8088/showreq.html?q=search+terms"
   "query": {
      "q": "search terms"
   "body": {},
   "query_raw": "q=search+terms",
   "cookies": {
      "mycookie": "cookietext",
   "headers": {
      "Host": "localhost:8088",
      "Connection": "keep-alive",
      "DNT": "1",
      "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
      "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36",
      "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9",
      "Sec-Fetch-Site": "none",
      "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate",
      "Sec-Fetch-User": "?1",
      "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document",
      "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
      "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
      "Cookie": "mycookie=cookietext"
   "params": {
      "q": "search terms",
      "mycookie": "cookietext",
      "Host": "localhost:8088",
      "Connection": "keep-alive",
      "DNT": "1",
      "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
      "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36",
      "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9",
      "Sec-Fetch-Site": "none",
      "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate",
      "Sec-Fetch-User": "?1",
      "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document",
      "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
      "Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
      "Cookie": "mycookie=cookietext"

The above example could be printed out to the web client using the following function:

    map : {
        "/showreq.txt" : function(req) {
        return( { txt: rampart.utils.sprintf("%3J",req) } );

Note that the params key is an Object with properties set to an amalgam of all the useful variables sent from the client. It includes variables from headers, cookies, GET query parameters and POST data, prioritize in that order. If, e.g., a query parameter has the same name as a cookie, the cookie value will override the the query parameter.

Posting Form Data

When posting form data, the request object will include an additional property postData, which will contain the parsed content of the posted form as well as the Content-Type which will be set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". The postData content will also be copied to params, so long as there are no name collisions between those keys and variables set from cookies, headers or query parameters. The raw posted content will be returned in the property body as a Buffer. Example:

    map : {

        "post.html": function(){
            var html = '<html><body><form action="/showreq.txt" method="POST">'+
                '<label for="fname">First name:</label><br>' +
                '<input type="text" id="fname" name="fname"><br>' +
                '<label for="lname">Last name:</label><br>' +
                '<input type="text" id="lname" name="lname">'+
                '<input type="submit" name="go">'+

             return {html:html};

        "/showreq.txt" : function(req) {

            /* convert "body" to text so we can print it out */

            return( { txt: rampart.utils.sprintf("%3J",req) } );

/* response from posting form at http://localhost:8088/post.html
   might include:

       "ip": "",
       "port": 38680,
       "method": "POST",
       "path": {
          "file": "showreq.html",
          "path": "/showreq.html",
          "base": "/",
          "scheme": "http://",
          "host": "localhost:8088",
          "url": "http://localhost:8088/showreq.html"
       "query": {},
       "body": "fname=Joe&lname=Public&go=Submit",
       "query_raw": "",


       "postData": {
          "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
          "content": {
               "fname": "Joe",
               "lname": "Public",
               "go": "Submit"
       "params": {
          "fname": "Joe",
          "lname": "Public",
          "go": "Submit",



Posting Multipart Form Data

Multipart form data will also be returned in the property formData and will have the Content-Type property set to "multipart/form-data". The content property will contain an array of objects, one object for each “part” of the form data. The key and values of an object provides details and the content for each part.


    map : {

        "postfile.html": function(){
            var html = '<html><body><form action="/showreq.txt" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">'+
                'File: <input type="FILE" name="file"/>' +
                '<input type="submit" name="Upload" value="Upload" />' +

            return {html: html};

        "/showreq.txt" : function(req) {

            /* convert "body" to text so we can print it out */

            return( { txt: rampart.utils.sprintf("%3J",req) } );

/* posting a small file called "helloWorld.txt with the contents "Hello World!"

   "ip": "::1",
   "port": 39004,
   "method": "POST",
   "path": {
      "file": "showreq.html",
      "path": "/showreq.html",
      "base": "/",
      "scheme": "http://",
      "host": "localhost:8088",
      "url": "http://localhost:8088/showreq.html"
   "query": {},
   "body": "------WebKitFormBoundaryB4UZ3AZ5kFBUZpR6\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"helloWorld.txt\"\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nHello World!\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryB4UZ3AZ5kFBUZpR6\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Upload\"\r\n\r\nUpload\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryB4UZ3AZ5kFBUZpR6--\r\n",
   "query_raw": "",
   "cookies": {
      "mycookie": "cookietext",
   "headers": {
      "Host": "localhost:8088",
      "Content-Length": "299",
   "postData": {
      "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
      "content": [
            "Content-Disposition": "form-data",
            "name": "file",
            "filename": "helloWorld.txt",
            "Content-Type": "text/plain",
            "content": {
               "0": 72,
               "1": 101,
               "2": 108,
               "3": 108,
               "4": 111,
               "5": 32,
               "6": 87,
               "7": 111,
               "8": 114,
               "9": 108,
               "10": 100,
               "11": 33
            "Content-Disposition": "form-data",
            "name": "Upload",
            "content": {
               "0": 85,
               "1": 112,
               "2": 108,
               "3": 111,
               "4": 97,
               "5": 100
   "params": {
      "helloWorld.txt": {
         "0": 72,
         "1": 101,
         "2": 108,
         "3": 108,
         "4": 111,
         "5": 32,
         "6": 87,
         "7": 111,
         "8": 114,
         "9": 108,
         "10": 100,
         "11": 33
      "Upload": {
         "0": 85,
         "1": 112,
         "2": 108,
         "3": 111,
         "4": 97,
         "5": 100
      "Host": "localhost:8088",
      "Connection": "keep-alive",
      "Content-Length": "299",
      "Cache-Control": "max-age=0",

Note that like body, the contents property of each uploaded part is a Buffer.

Posting JSON Data

JSON data, sent with Content-Type set to "application/json" will also be parsed in a manner similar to Posting Form Data.

var server=require("rampart-server");

    map : {
        "post.html": function(){
            var html = '<html><head><script>\n'+
                   'function senddata(){\n' +
                     'var first= document.querySelector("#fname");\n' +
                     'var last = document.querySelector("#lname");\n' +
                     'var res  = document.querySelector("#res");\n' +
                     'var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n' +
                     '"POST", "/showreq.json");\n' +
                     'xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");\n' +
                     'xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { \n' +
                       'if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {\n' +
                          'res.innerHTML = "<pre>"+ this.responseText +"</pre>";\n' +
                       '} \n' +
                     '};\n' +
                     'xhr.send( JSON.stringify({first:first.value, last:last.value}) );\n'+
                     'return false;'+
                '<label for="fname">First name:</label><br>' +
                '<input type="text" id="fname" name="fname"><br>' +
                '<label for="lname">Last name:</label><br>' +
                '<input type="text" id="lname" name="lname">'+
                '<button onclick="return senddata()">Submit</button>'+
            '<div id="res"></div></body></html>';

             return {html:html};

        "/showreq.json" : function(req) {
            /* convert "body" to text so we can send */

            return( { json: rampart.utils.sprintf("%3J",req) } );

/* results might be:
   "ip": "::1",
   "port": 46586,
   "method": "POST",
   "path": {
      "file": "showreq.json",
      "path": "/showreq.json",
      "base": "/",
      "scheme": "http://",
      "host": "localhost:8088",
      "url": "http://localhost:8088/showreq.json"
   "query": {},
   "body": "{\"first\":\"Joe\",\"last\":\"Public\"}",
   "query_raw": "",
   "headers": {
      "Host": "localhost:8088",
      "Connection": "keep-alive",
      "Content-Length": "31",
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
   "postData": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "content": {
         "first": "Joe",
         "last": "Public"
   "params": {
      "first": "Joe",
      "last": "Public",
      "Content-Length": "31",
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "Referer": "http://localhost:8088/post.html",

Posting Other Types

Posting with a Content-Type other than the three above will return postData with the provided Content-Type set, and contents will be the same as the unparsed Buffer body.

The Return Object

The return value from a mapped Function contains the contents of the text or data (a String or Buffer) that will be returned to the client. The name of the key (which usually matches the well known file extension) determines the mime-type that is returned. For example: to return an HTML (text/html mime type) document to the client, { html: myhtmlcontent} would be specified where the variable myhtmlcontent contains the HTML text to be sent to the client. The name of the key (html) controls which mime-type will be sent to the connecting client. Supported key-names to mime-types are listed below.

The return object can optionally contain header parameters to be sent to the client.

return {
   html: myhtmltext,
   headers: { "X-Custom-Header": "custom value"}

To set more than one header with the same name, the value must be an Array.

return {
   html: myhtmltext,
   headers: {
       "X-Custom-Header": "custom value",
       "Set-Cookie": [
           rampart.utils.sprintf("id=%U; Expires=Wed, 15 Oct 2025 10:28:00 GMT", id),
           rampart.utils.sprintf("session=%U; Max-Age=86400", session_id)

A Status Code may also be specified. For example, to redirect a url to a new one:

var newurl = "";
return {
        "<html><body><h1>302 Moved Temporarily</h1>"+
        '<p>Document moved <a href="%s">here</a></p></body></html>',
   headers: { "location": newurl}

The specified mime-type can also be overwritten using the content-type header. This way, any arbitrary mime-type can be set regardless of the name of the key (though the name of the key must be a known extension):

var jpg = rampart.utils.readFile("/path/to/my/jpeg.jpg");
/* overwrite the bin -> "application/octet-stream" header */
return {
   headers: {"content-type": "image/jpeg"}

See also mimeMap in start() above.

The content of a file may be sent by returning the file name prepended with an @ character.

return {
   jpg: "@/path/to/my/jpeg.jpg"

This will be more efficient than reading the file and returing its content as shown in the previous example.

Note that in order to send a string whose first character is @, it must be escaped.

return {
   txt: "\\@home is a defunct internet service"

The compressScripts setting in server.start() above can be overridden with the key compress. It may be set to true/false or to a compression level (1-10).

return {
   html: myhtmltext,
   compress: 5 // gzip compress output at medium level

The Return Object with Defer

When data is not ready to be sent at the end of a mapped Function, the reply may be defered until later by returning an Object with defer set to true. Another asynchronous Function then will be able to use the req object with req.reply() in order to send data to the client and close the transaction.


function defer_test(req){

    // send reply after waiting 2 seconds
        req.reply({text:"made ya wait!"});
    }, 2000);

    return {defer:true}; //don't send to client yet.

Built-in Directory Function

If directoryFunc in start() above is set to true, the following script will be used to return an HTML formatted a directory listing, where an index.html file is not present in the requested directory. It is shown below so that if modifications to the default are desired, it can be used as a starting point for a custom function that can be set using the directoryFunc property.

Note that the req variable passed to the function contains an extra property fsPath, which is the path on the filesystem being requested.

function dirlist(req) {
    var html="<!DOCTYPE html>\n"+
        '<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Index of ' +

    function hsize(size) {
        var ret=rampart.utils.sprintf("%d",size);
        if(size >= 1073741824)
            ret=rampart.utils.sprintf("%.1fG", size/1073741824);
        else if (size >= 1048576)
            ret=rampart.utils.sprintf("%.1fM", size/1048576);
        else if (size >=1024)
            ret=rampart.utils.sprintf("%.1fk", size/1024);
        return ret;

    if(req.path.path != '/')
        html+= '<tr><td><a href="../">Parent Directory</a></td><td></td><td>-</td></tr>';
        var st=rampart.utils.stat(req.fsPath+'/'+d);
        if (st.isDirectory())
        html=rampart.utils.sprintf('%s<tr><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>',
            html, d, d, st.mtime.toLocaleString() ,hsize(st.size));

    return {html:html};

    directoryFunc: dirlist

Advanced Functions

The rampart-server module creates a buffer to efficiently store data that will be returned to the client by the webserver. There is one buffer per thread and it is used from within each thread.

The request object contains the functions to manipulate and print to the server buffer, which will be directly sent to the client without extra copying.


The request object to a callback function includes the printf function which will print directly to the server buffer that will be sent to the client. It uses the same formats as rampart.utils.printf. The advantages of using req.printf rather than returning a string is that content is not copied, but instead placed directly in the server buffer to be returned to the client.

Example from a normal server callback function:

function mycallback(req) {
    var html;
    ... add content to html ...
    return {html: html};

Example using req.printf from a server callback function:

function mycallback(req) {
    var content="<html><body>";
    var end_cont = "</body></html>";
    // add more html to content variable ...
    req.printf("%s", content);
    return {html: end_cont};
Return Value:
The number of bytes written to the server buffer.

If content is large, it is more efficiently handled using req.printf and/or req.put below than concatenating strings in JavaScript.

The one exception to this is if content is a Buffer and is the total content to be returned to the client without concatenation or manipulation, doing return {html:content} is the most efficient method.

However, in nearly all cases, if a function needs to print many strings that make up the totality of the data sent to the client, using req.printf or req.put is preferable.


Put a String or a Buffer into the server buffer to be returned to the client.


function mycallback(req) {
    var content="<html><body>";
    var end_cont = "</body></html>";
    // add more html to content variable ...
    return {html: end_cont};
Return Value:
The number of bytes written to the server buffer.


Get the current end position in the server buffer.

Return Value
A Number - the end position of the server buffer.


Rewind the current end position of the server buffer.


function mycallback(req) {
    var pos = req.rewind(pos);

Where pos is the offset to position the end pointer in the server buffer.

Note: pos must be equal or less than the current end position as reported by req.getpos().

Return Value


Get a copy of the contents of the server buffer and return it in a JavaScript buffer.

Return Value:
A Buffer - the contents of the server buffer.

Full Server Example

Below is a full example:

var pid=server.start(
    /* bind: string|[array,of,strings]
       default: [ "[::1]:8088", "" ]
        ipv6 format: [2001:db8::1111:2222]:80
        ipv4 format:
        spaces are ignored (i.e. " [ 2001:db8::1111:2222 ] : 80" is ok)
    /* bind to all */
    bind: [ "[::]:8088", "" ],

    /* if started as root, set user here.
       If not root, option "user" is ignored. */
    user: "nobody",

    /* max time to spend in scripts */
    scriptTimeout: 10.0,

    /* how long to wait before client sends
       a req or server can send a response */

    /*** logging ***/
    log: true,           //turn logging on, by default goes to stdout/stderr
    accessLog: "./access.log",    //access log location, instead of stdout. Can be set if daemon==true
    errorLog: "./error.log",     //error log location, instead of stderr. Can be set if daemon==true

    /*  fork and return pid server start (see end of the script) */
    daemon: true,

    /* make server singe-threaded. */
    //useThreads: false,

    /*  By default, number of threads is set to cpu core count.
        "threads" has no effect unless useThreads is set true.
        The number can be changed here:
    //threads: 8, /* for a 4 core, 8 virtual core hyper-threaded processor. */

        for https support, these three are the minimum number of options needed:
    sslKeyFile:  "/etc/letsencrypt/live/",
    sslCertFile: "/etc/letsencrypt/live/",

    /* sslMinVersion (ssl3|tls1|tls1.1|tls1.2). "tls1.2" is default*/
    sslMinVersion: "tls1.2",

    /* a custom 404 page */
    notFoundFunc: function(req){
        return {
            html: '<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>'+
                  '<body style="background: url(/img/page-background.png);">'+
                  '<center><h1>Not Found</h1><p>The requested URL '+
                  ' was not found on this server.</p>'+

    /* if a function is given, directoryFunc will be called each time a url
        which corresponds to a directory is called if there is no index.htm(l)
        present in the directory.  Added to the normal request object
        will be the property (string) "fsPath" (req.fsPath), which can be used
        to create a directory listing.  See function dirlist() above.
        It is substantially equivelant to the built-in server.defaultDirList function.

        If directoryFunc is not set, a url pointing to a directory without an index.htm(l)
        will return a 403 Forbidden error.

    directoryFunc: true, //use default directory list function

            /* remap a few extensions -> mimetypes */
    mimeMap: {
              "m4v": "video/mp4",
              "mov": "video/mp4"

    /* **********************************************************
       map urls to functions or paths on the filesystem
       If it ends in a '/' then matches everything in that path
       except a more specific ('/something.html') path

       priority is given to Exact Paths (Begins with '/' and no '*' in path), then
         regular expressions, then globs.

       If mapSort: false, then in each of these groups
         is left unsorted.
       Otherwise, within these groups, they are then ordered by length,
         with longest having priority.

       If you wish to specify your own priority, set:

    mapSort: false,

       and then put them in your prefered order below.
       ********************************************************** */
        "/helloWorld.html" : function(){
            return {
                html:"<pre>Hello World!</pre>"

        /* directory for scripts */
        "/scripts/": { "modulePath" : "/var/www/scripts" }

        /* static content */
        "/" : "/var/www/html"

console.log("server started with pid: "+pid);

Chunking Replies

The Basics

The server can also send back content with Transfer-Encoding: Chunked. This allows the server to assemble a response in sections and write back to the client one section at a time. The client web browser will reassemble the document as it is being sent. This is useful, in particular when sending a large file, or when sending an mjpeg.

For a large file, sending in chunks allows the current server thread to service other requests in between each sent chunk.

For mjpegs, it allow a continuous stream of JPEGs to be sent, also allowing for other requests to be serviced between each frame.

A chunked document is specified by setting chunk:true in The Return Object. A delay between chunks can be set in milliseconds with the following: chunkDelay:delay_in_ms. This delay works in the same manner as setMetronome().

In addition, the extension/mime property of The Return Object may be a Function (The Chunk Callback), which will be called for every chunk to be written.

Example Callback Return Object:

function send_mp4_chunk(req)

function mycallback(req) {
    return {
        chunk:      true
        chunkDelay: 100,
        mp4:        send_mp4


The req.chunkSend() function is available only from within The Chunk Callback and is used to send a chunk to the client.



Where data is a String, Buffer (or optionally a Number, Boolean or Object, in which case it is converted to a String) - The data to send back to the client.

A string starting with @ is used to send the contents of the file specified (see The Return Object for details).

In addition data may be null or undefined, in which case, any data in the server buffer (e.g., when using req.printf() or req.put() above) will be sent to the client. Note that the server buffer is reset between invocations of The Chunk Callback.


The req.chunkEnd() function is available only from within The Chunk Callback and is used to terminate the file being sent and the repetition of the callback.



Where data is optionally a final chunk of data to send (same as in chunkSend).


The req.chunkIndex variable is available only from within The Chunk Callback and is set to the current 0 based chunk index.

Chunking Examples

Sending a large file in chunks:

var server=require("rampart-server");

function sendchunk(req){
    var chunk = readFile(req.file, req.chunkIndex * req.chunkSize, req.chunkSize);

    if(req.stat.size > (req.chunkIndex+1) * req.chunkSize)

function sendfile(req) {

    req.chunkSize = 4096; //for convenience and available in sendchunk above
    req.stat= stat(req.file);
    return {
        "mp4": sendchunk,
        chunk:  true,
        headers: {
            'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="myfile.mp4"'

/****** START SERVER *******/
printf("Starting https server\nmp4 is at http://localhost:8088/myfile.mp4\n\n");
var serverpid=server.start(
        "/":            function(req){
                            return {
        "/myfile.mp4":  sendfile

Sending mjpeg, simple:

var server=require("rampart-server");
var curl = require("rampart-curl");

function sendpic(req){


        sprintf("--myboundary\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s",

/* we don't need a chunk delay, the fetch takes a bit of time. */
function mjpeg(req) {
    return {"data":sendpic, chunk:true, headers:
        {"Content-Type": "multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=myboundary"}

/****** START SERVER *******/
printf("Starting https server\nmjpeg is at http://localhost:8088/mjpeg.jpg\n\n");
var serverpid=server.start(
        "/":  function(req){
                    return {
                        headers: {
        "/mjpeg.jpg": mjpeg

Sending mjpeg, using ffmpeg and a webcam on Linux:

var server=require("rampart-server");

function sendpic_wcam(req){
    var file;

    //skip the first callback if first jpeg is not ready.
    try { file = trim(readFile("test.list",0 ,0, true)); } catch(e){}

        req.printf("--myboundary\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n"); //write header
        req.chunkSend('@'+file); //send jpeg directly from file

function start_ffmpeg(){
    var pid=0;
    } catch(e){}

    if( pid && kill(pid,0))
        return; //it's running

    /* save video from webcam at 10 fps*/
    ret = exec(
        "ffmpeg", {background:true},
        '-loglevel',           'error',
        '-f',                  'video4linux2',
        '-i',                  '/dev/video0',
        '-vf',                 'fps=10',
        '-q:v',                '8',
        '-f',                  'segment',
        '-segment_time',       '0.0001',
        '-segment_format',     'singlejpeg',
        '-segment_wrap',       '4',
        '-segment_list',       'test.list',
        '-segment_list_size',  '1',
    fprintf("./", "%d",;

function mjpeg(req) {

    return {"data":sendpic_wcam, chunk:true, chunkDelay: 100, headers:
        {"Content-Type": "multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=myboundary"}

/****** START SERVER *******/
printf("Starting https server\nmjpeg is at http://localhost:8088/mjpeg.jpg\n\n");
var serverpid=server.start(
        "/":  function(req){
                    return {
                        headers: {
        "/mjpeg.jpg": mjpeg


The server also serves websocket connections. The server callback function for a websocket connection operates much the same as a normal http callback, with a few exceptions:

  • A websocket callback is specified by prepending the path in the map object with ws:. See Mapped Functions above.
  • The mapped callback is run every time the client sends data over the websocket.
  • Headers and any GET/POST variables are set once in the req object and are provided in the callback when the client first connects. Subsequent callbacks are supplied with the same req object every time new data from the client is received.
  • Replies to the connected client may be returned asynchronously using rampart.event functions or setTimeout.
  • The req.wsSend() function is used to send replies at any time, and as many times as desired. In addition, returning a value from the callback performs the same function as req.wsSend().
  • Since the req object is recycled, variables may be attached to it that will be available on subsequent callbacks. Example: setting req.userName=getUserName() would allow the return value from the hypothetical getUserName function to be accessed on subsequent calls.
  • req.body is empty upon first connecting. In subsequent calls of the callback function, req.body contains the text or binary data sent by the client.
  • When returning from the callback function, the value undefined or null can be specified, if the callback has no data to send, or if the data has been stored in the server buffer using req.printf or req.put above. Data is sent by returning the values in the same format that is used in req.wsSend below.

In addition to the above, several variables and functions are available only when using websockets:


Send data to the client. How it is sent depends on the type of data being sent (the type of the variable given to wsSend as a parameter):

  • String - The string is sent as text.
  • Object - The object is converted to JSON and send as a string.
  • Buffer - The object is send as binary data.

In addition to sending the data given as a parameter to req.wsSend(), any data which was added via req.printf or req.put is prepended to the outgoing data.

If all the necessary data has been stored in the server buffer using req.printf or req.put, that data can be sent to the client by calling req.wsSend(null).


Close the websocket connection. By default wsEnd() closes the connection after pending messages have been written. The optional immediate is a Boolean. If true the connection will be closed immediately regardless of whether any pending data (such as messages sent with req.wsSend()) have been flushed to the client.


Takes a Function as its sole parameter, which is a function to run when either the client disconnects or req.wsEnd() is called.


This variable is set true when the incoming data in req.body is sent from the client as binary data. Otherwise this is false.


This variable is set to the number of times the client has sent data. On first run of the callback, it is set to 0 and is incremented on each subsequent callback.


This variable is set to a unique number which may be used to identify the connection to the client.

Example echo/chat server

Below is a simplified version of an echo/chat server using websockets and rampart.event functions.

/* load the http server module */
var server=require("rampart-server");

/* this function just returns html */
function frontpage(req)
    return {html:
        <div id="chatbox"></div>
        <input id="chatin" type=text style="width:50%">
        <button id="send">send</button>
            var chatbox = document.getElementById('chatbox');
            var chatin = document.getElementById('chatin');
            var send = document.getElementById('send');
            var socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8088/ws");

            function showmsg(msg){
                var node = document.createElement('p');
                var textnode = document.createTextNode(;

            socket.addEventListener('open', function(e){
                socket.onmessage = showmsg;

            send.onclick = function(){
                if(socket.readyState === socket.OPEN) {


function ws_handler(req)
    /* the setup upon first connecting */
    if (req.count==0)
        /* make a name for our event callback function
           which is unique for this connection and that we can
           use to insert and remove the event callback         */
        var func_name = "myfunc_" + req.websocketId;

        /* what to do if client disconnects */
            //remove our event callback function */
  "myev", func_name);

        /* insert the callback */
        rampart.event.on("myev", func_name, function(req, data)
            // only send if from someone else
            if ( != req.websocketId)
        }, req);

        /* first connect message */
        return "Greetings, I'm an example echo/chat server";

    /* second and subsequent runs of this callback start here: */

    //convert body from a buffer to a string
    req.body = rampart.utils.bufferToString(req.body);

        /* send message to any other client that is connected */
                id: req.websocketId,
                msg: "a message from "+req.websocketId + ": " + req.body

        /* echo message to this client */
        return req.body;
    //do nothing if we get to here.

var pid=server.start(
        "/" : frontpage,
        "ws:/ws": ws_handler

rampart.utils.printf("\nWebchat is available here:\nhttp://\n");

Technical Notes

A rampart server script is broken into 3 stages:

begin code


end of script

At “begin code”, code is run in the main thread. Global functions and variables declared here will be copied to server threads when the server starts.

At “server.start” new threads are created, each beginning its own event loop.

At “end of script” the main thread’s event loop starts and “server.start” is initialized from within the main thread’s event loop. The main thread accepts requests and forwards them to the least busy server thread.

Server.start creates the configured number of threads (as specified or equal to the number of cpu cores on the system). Upon creation several things happen:

  • Two JavaScript contexts are created for each thread. One for HTTP requests and one for websockets conversations.
  • Each JavaScript context is a separate JavaScript interpreter. In general, no data is shared between them.
  • An event loop is created for each thread.
  • Global variables and functions from “begin code” are copied from the main thread’s Duktape context to all the Duktape thread contexts. Local variables are lost.
  • The main thread listens for HTTP connections in its event loop and assigns them to the least busy server thread’s event loops.
  • The thread event loops accept the http connections and pass the http request data to the appropriate Duktape context for that thread. That context runs the matching callback and returns data which is passed on to the client.
  • Each thread may be handling http requests and multiple websocket connections at the same time from within its event loop.
  • The Duktape context for http requests may be destroyed and recreated upon timeout. In contrast, the websocket Duktape context will always persist.
  • Any events or setTimeouts set from within server callbacks are run within that thread’s event loop. Events and setTimeouts run outside the server (in “begin code” or before “end of script”) are run in the main event loop. Certain event data is stored in the main thread so events can be triggered regardless on which thread they reside.
  • HTTP requests which have a timeout are run from a new thread which can be interrupted. If the timeout is reached before the callback function finishes, the thread is canceled and the threads Duktape context is destroyed and recreated in order to serve the next request.
  • Since websockets do not timeout, destroying their contexts would interrupt its conversation with the client. So a second, separate context per thread which will never be destroyed is used for websockets.

Modules vs Global callback functions:

  • a server callback function may be called from a function defined in the main script or by loading a module.
  • Global functions and variables are set once when the server script is first loaded and cannot be changed without restarting the server.
  • Modules are loaded in each thread and are checked upon each execution. If the source script of a module is changed while the server is running, it is reloaded.

Return values from server callback function.

  • Strings are copied from Duktape to the buffer that will be returned to the client.
  • Wherever possible, buffers are passed by reference without copy to be returned to the client.
  • req.put and req.printf data is copied to a buffer which will be passed by reference to the client.

Key to Mime Mappings

Key/extension to mime-type mappings are shown below. They apply to both the return value of Mapped Functions as well as the extension of files served from Mapped Directories. This list of defaults can be appended or modified using the mimeMap property in the Object passed to start() .

An example: If the variable jpg is set (e.g. var jpg = rampart.utils.readFile("/path/to/my/jpeg.jpg");), then return {jpeg:jpg}; at the end of a mapped function would send the contents of the file /path/to/my/jpeg.jpg with the mime-type image/jpeg to the client. The same applies to files served from the filesystem which end in .jpeg or .jpg.

"3dm"       ->      "x-world/x-3dmf"
"3dmf"      ->      "x-world/x-3dmf"
"3gp"       ->      "video/3gpp"
"3gpp"      ->      "video/3gpp"
"7z"        ->      "application/x-7z-compressed"
"a"         ->      "application/octet-stream"
"aab"       ->      "application/x-authorware-bin"
"aam"       ->      "application/x-authorware-map"
"aas"       ->      "application/x-authorware-seg"
"abc"       ->      "text/"
"acgi"      ->      "text/html"
"afl"       ->      "video/animaflex"
"ai"        ->      "application/postscript"
"aif"       ->      "audio/aiff"
"aifc"      ->      "audio/aiff"
"aiff"      ->      "audio/aiff"
"aim"       ->      "application/x-aim"
"aip"       ->      "text/x-audiosoft-intra"
"ani"       ->      "application/x-navi-animation"
"aos"       ->      "application/x-nokia-9000-communicator-add-on-software"
"aps"       ->      "application/mime"
"arc"       ->      "application/octet-stream"
"arj"       ->      "application/arj"
"art"       ->      "image/x-jg"
"asf"       ->      "video/x-ms-asf"
"asm"       ->      "text/x-asm"
"asp"       ->      "text/asp"
"asx"       ->      "video/x-ms-asf"
"atom"      ->      "application/atom+xml"
"au"        ->      "audio/x-au"
"avi"       ->      "video/x-msvideo"
"avs"       ->      "video/avs-video"
"bcpio"     ->      "application/x-bcpio"
"bin"       ->      "application/octet-stream"
"bm"        ->      "image/bmp"
"bmp"       ->      "image/x-ms-bmp"
"boo"       ->      "application/book"
"book"      ->      "application/book"
"boz"       ->      "application/x-bzip2"
"bsh"       ->      "application/x-bsh"
"bz"        ->      "application/x-bzip"
"bz2"       ->      "application/x-bzip2"
"c"         ->      "text/plain"
"c++"       ->      "text/plain"
"cat"       ->      "application/"
"cc"        ->      "text/plain"
"ccad"      ->      "application/clariscad"
"cco"       ->      "application/x-cocoa"
"cdf"       ->      "application/x-cdf"
"cer"       ->      "application/x-x509-ca-cert"
"cha"       ->      "application/x-chat"
"chat"      ->      "application/x-chat"
"class"     ->      "application/x-java-class"
"com"       ->      "application/octet-stream"
"conf"      ->      "text/plain"
"cpio"      ->      "application/x-cpio"
"cpp"       ->      "text/x-c"
"cpt"       ->      "application/x-cpt"
"crl"       ->      "application/pkix-crl"
"crt"       ->      "application/x-x509-ca-cert"
"csh"       ->      "text/x-script.csh"
"css"       ->      "text/css"
"cxx"       ->      "text/plain"
"data"      ->      "application/octet-stream"
"dcr"       ->      "application/x-director"
"deb"       ->      "application/octet-stream"
"deepv"     ->      "application/x-deepv"
"def"       ->      "text/plain"
"der"       ->      "application/x-x509-ca-cert"
"dif"       ->      "video/x-dv"
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